Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Film and Culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Film and Culture - Essay Example Culture is the force behind every variable aspect of a person’s life, including language, race, traditions, art work, and even movies. Culture can vary from within a group of people to, however people with similar traditions and life styles are often put together in similar cultural groups. Culture can also highly influence the beliefs and life styles of a group of people. Different beliefs can be based on the effects of a person’s culture on those beliefs. Cultures can also change or shift, depending on trends and the ideologies of people of that time. Some cultures fade or die away with time, well other main stream cultures, or their ideas directly effected by them, may stay around for many years. While culture may seem like an overwhelming idea and ideology set, in simplifying it we must not forgot to include all aspects of a person’s life that may affect their culture, or to be effected by it. Culture is an important aspect of who we are, and why we are like that. One of the most unique aspects of culture is the art forms that various different people come to deeply connect with their culture. As far back as the Native Americans, different art mediums have become deeply ingrained within a people’s culture, and have also grew to define who a people are. This can no more be true in modern times than in the ways film and culture have become so deeply ingrained with each other. In today’s fast paced world, the connection between films and culture may not be seen at a first glance. However, just as it has been sense the dawning of Hollywood, the myriad of ways that film and culture connect with each other is almost uncountable. Film and culture have become almost inseparable in places, and there is such a deep running connection between the two that it is often times hard to see the difference between them. Film critic John Frame said these words on the deep connection between

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