Monday, September 30, 2019

Business Degree Opportunity Essay

A career in business is more varied than most people realize. Having a career in business you can involve the obvious functions such as management and marketing. Again most people don’t know that you can be the backbone for economic, political and social systems at all levels. Having a business degree can be applied to virtually any industry and can also help you start your own business. Some of the new professional opportunities this degree afford to employees would be a higher position within the company as well a pay increase. Let’s take Krystal’s restaurant for example not only will they pay for your schooling while working there you can apply for a higher position and continue working your way up the latter. For example if you’re an employee you can apply for management and if you’re already a manager you can apply for the district manager position. Those to major moves not only give you a different position but benefits and money comes right alone with it as well. Now don’t get me wrong with this degree you are not limited to just working in restaurants you are able to put in application in doctors office, warehouses, clinics, hotels, and etc. Other types of careers that people with a business degree would have are Accounting, Human Resource, Customer Service, Sales, Receptionist, and Administrative Assistant. All of these jobs come with different pays and benefits. I know somewhere down the line you would want a ball park ideal of how much money can be earned with a business degree. Well I can tell you that you can make anywhere from 27,450 to 60,000. If there are any further questions about the earning potentials a person with a Business Degree has you can check out the Pay Scale web site and it will break it down for you alone with the jobs. Some of the opportunities that I found alone with pay are Administrative Assistant (27,216-38,660), Administrative/Office Manager (33,586-45,060), Office Manager (43,744-60,781), Retail Store Manager (39,588- 48,168), Executive Secretary or Administrative Assistant (30,000- 60,920), Legal Secretary (29,479-53,448), and finally we have Executive Assistant to CEO (49,132-60, 000). So as you see having a degree in Business can really pay off if you apply yourself and have some years of experience behind you and your degree is what determines your pay scale rather it will be high or low. There are a few more jobs that are out there for people with Business Management Degrees such as Non- Profit Organization and it can pay up to 42,911, Government- State Local and it can pay up to 37,000, School/School District and it can pay up To 27,450, Government –Federal can pay up to 52,500, College-University can pay up to 37,500, Foundation/Trust can pay up to 49,000, Private Practice/Firm can pay up to 45,105, Hospital can pay you up to 46,810, Franchise can pay you up to 41,271, Self-Employed can pay you up to 32,250 and last but not least a Contractor can pay you up to 57,704. While looking at the pay scale website I realize that there are plenty Of jobs out there a person can work with an Associate Degree in Business Management . For the longest I have thought that a manager job in either fast food or retail was the only jobs out there that an Associate Degree can get until I found the Business Jobs website. Now that you know there are jobs out there for you let’s talk about all the fun times you will get to have with the company that tries to keep their employees with benefits and increase in retention. I know by now you’re wondering what I mean by benefits and fun. Well I know on a previous job I worked they showed their employees their care and would like for them to hang around for a while by giving them extra benefits. For example when we have a meeting sometimes you could wear your favorite basketball team and they would allow you to have fun and eat once your done it’s time for the meeting. These types of meeting people love to attend. The company even went out of their way for the employees as well they gave out money and a plaque for the employee of the quarter at Christmas time. I can go on and on about this company and the way they retained their employees. So allow me to give you some more examples of the benefits to the company increasing their retention. Some companies sponsors an all- paid vacation to an exotic location, usually to mark the employee’s five-year anniversary with the company. When companies do things like that you give your employees a reason to want to stay with the company for those many years so that is one way to retain your employees. Another way to retain employees is allowing sabbaticals for higher education after certain tenure with the company. The employee’s vacation benefits can take the form of annual holiday to recharge the batteries of life, and company trips to increase teamwork and bonding coworkers. I have learned that it is easier to retain employees by just being honest with them at all times. An employee will be more likely to stay if they know they can depend on you to tell the truth and have their back when needed. You will soon found out that if your treating the employees right and like family that’s the type of results you will receive and your business will be successful. Every business will benefit from happy employees verses the ones that is mad and always ready to go home. Now that you know how some companies keep their employees you should know how it benefit s the company. By retaining the employees the companies save money on turnovers and on training. When a company saves money on things like training or turnovers it allows them to be able to do more for their employees. And by taking care of their employees they will see that their employees will take care of them in the long run. References Pay scale 2000-2011 Pay Scale Bright Hub Inc. 2011 Bright Hub Inc.

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