Monday, August 12, 2019

English Paper Essay I will upload for what is needed

English Paper I will upload for what is needed - Essay Example Terry Bisson is a fantasy author, best known for his short stories. Several of his stories are award winning. He also wrote several comic books including â€Å"Web of horror†, which is a horror comic magazine. â€Å"Bears discover fire† is one of the most preferred short science fiction stories. As claimed by the author, the story is exactly what its title suggests. Once upon a time in a place called Appalachia, all of the bears started burning bonfires in the widespread freeways. They used to assemble themselves in a circle and stare into the flame all night long. During the ritual, they intermittently get up from the fire to find barriers or hunt for firewood. The news media and police wanted to capture the occurrence and made sure they kept the local folks away from the ritual. The story begins when one family manages to get to a very close proximity of the bears’ social gathering due to a flat tire. (Whyte) The story begins with Chronicler driving with his brother and nephew, Wallace jr. to the North of Bowling Green, when he experienced a flat tire near a bear military camp. Their flash light goes out and the narrator had to change the tire in the dim glow of orange light that was coming from the torches held by two bears. â€Å"They just held the torches up, whether out of curiosity or for helpfulness, there was no way of knowing† (P:2, Bisson ) Afterwards, in the car, the narrator’s brother comments that it seemed like finally the bears had discovered fire. Use of fire is the well-built western icon of civilization and intelligence. This symbol is often used to separate humans from the animal kingdom. Fire describes humanity in a cultural level. The narrator states a number of events in the story that depict the decline of humanity in human beings. Meanwhile, bears are discovering what humanity and civilization is. One event was the disappearance of the narrator’s mother from a nursing home and

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